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With exceptional performance and secure design MS632dwe delivers enhanced productivity, up to 50 pages per minute and a toner yield up to 31,000 pages. Fast time to first print, superior print quality and easy-to-use touch screen.
General specifications
Printer Type
Lexmark MS632dwe
Memory & Processor
Memory Std.
1024 MB
Memory Max.
1024 MB
Print Colour
Print Quality / Speed
Resolution Black
1200 x 1200 dpi, 1200 IQ (1200 x 600 dpi)
Time to First Page (Black)
6 seconds
Speed Mono
Up to 50 ppm
Print languages / Fonts / Barcode
PCL 5, PCLm, PCL 6 Emulation, Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS), PostScript 3 Emulation, PDF 1.7 emulation, Direct Image
Paper Handling / Media
Printable Area
0.16 inches of the top, bottom, right and left edges (within)
Paper Tray
Paper Trays (Max)
Input Paper Capacity
650 pages 20 lb or 75 gsm bond
Input Paper capacity (Max)
2300 pages 20 lb or 75 gsm bond;650 pages 20 lb or 75 gsm bond